Monday, January 16, 2017

WaiWoW to work on Habits? started w V asking J for a combat log for diabetes.

J is king of add-ons. I truly look forward to apply his skills to the diabetes log.... but first, habits.

V is Video Game Challenged. It feels very close to an academic learning disability so if G helps V with her challenge, perhaps we can turn that skill around and use it to make diabetes & academics a bit less painful for G.

I need a blog for G specifically,
or perhaps this will be his blog,
but for now we are going to define this:

V is the Raid Leader for Diabetes

As Diabetic Raid Leader,
V declares
G will now receive all shots via insulin pens
for reasons to be explained over time.

J is the Raid Leader for WoW

As WoW Raid Leader,
J declares
for reasons to be explained sometime.

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